Once upon a time….

There was a girl called my Lucy. I signed up to IE before Christmas and a few days after the festive period I received a message. Mr M was married and had previously engaged in an affair with someone of my age. He was straight to the point from the start, a quality I admire. He was funny, charming and seemed to sparkle the strong mind I was hoping for. We swapped pictures, both pleased and happy. We joked at first of the selection process of finding the perfect lover, it was like a stage of interviewing. On New Years I invited him on an adventure for the New Year. He was pleased and forwarded his email address. I was surprised to find it was his work address. According to him it was secure. As yet I didn’t trust him, instead making the first contact by hotmail. We didn’t speak until the 7th January. I was unable to speak the previous week due to being off with hubby. Throughout all the contact via emails, I felt no guilt but spurred on with the newness of it all.

When we did eventually speak on the morning of the 7th I was driving to work. It took me at least times before I could click on the call button. When I did, I heard the most wonderful accent. Maybe he did also, I don’t know. We spoke for a hour and at the end he asked when can I talk to you next….that was it…the start of endless calls to be and secrets moments planning, talking about our lives…

We had our first meeting in January….A night in the snow

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